
At the heart of pages

What are blocks?

Blocks are interactive rectangles on a page that can be viewed or edited, used to load data, or provide any other functionality.

Types of blocks

Blocks can literally contain anything on a page, so there's no real way to categorize them all. Nevertheless, most blocks in HASH can be thought of as text, media, data or action blocks.

Blocks for capturing and/or displaying text are the most commonly used kinds of blocks in HASH

Blocks that are used to display or support interacting with multimedia content such as images, videos, or 3D models.

Blocks for visualizing and interacting with entities. e.g. table, kanban, etc.

Action blocks can be programmed to respond to user behavior, allowing for the creation of interactive "Apps" in HASH

By allowing the behavior of some blocks to be "programmed", we can allow block-users to customize how blocks function when they are interacted with by end-users. For example, a block-user might "map" certain kinds of blocks (such as "button" blocks) to actions, enabling them to perform specific functions when clicked. These "action blocks" are a key part of how apps are built in HASH.

There's no limit to what a block can do. For example, there are interactive gaming blocks, such as the Minesweeper block, as well as AI Chat blocks.

If you have your own idea for a block, you can also develop your own custom block and run it within HASH. Anybody who can code can build their own block to do absolutely anything in HASH.

Although not part of HASH, custom blocks are user-developed blocks which can be inserted into any page in HASH.

More information about building your own blocks can be found in the HASH Developer Docs.

Inserting blocks onto pages

You can insert blocks onto any page by pressing the forward-slash (/) key while no existing block is selected.

Configuring blocks

Blocks can currently be configured using each individual block's "configuration bar" (which floats above the block, when selected).

We'll be replacing block configuration bars with a much more powerful "block sidebar", which will appear on the right-hand side of any document and at the bottom of a canvas, when a block is selected.

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